This week Fredy did the last check up before EBI
The Type3 will get a new engine,
while the Type34 just needed new oil.
Finally the oilfilter has the wright color now.
Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007
Montag, 18. Juni 2007
Choose your color from the sixties
Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007
European Bug In Mitfahrgelegenheit
Hallo an die österreichischen VW Freunde,
da meine Frau einen neuen Job hat und somit nicht zum EBI mitfahren kann, gibt es einen freien Platz im Autoreisezug und in meinem Karmann. Wir fahren mit fünf (evtl. sechs) Autos mit dem Zug bis Düsseldorf und ab da auf Achse. Alle weiteren Infos per Mail.
Hier der Zeitplan:
Abfahrt Donnerstag 28.06. 19.00Uhr Wien Westbahnhof
Ankunft Dienstag 03.07. 09.00Uhr Wien Westbahnhof
Zu spät!!!!!!!
Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007
Shit happens!
Here you have a pic of Gustavs Type34 that was hit by a pocketbike at Mantorp Park last weekend. Click headline for the whole story.
All the best to Gustav and please build it up again!
Here you see what the EBI rules say:
NO POCKETBIKES ALOWED! No Motorized small machines are allowed, No Gopeds, Mini Quads etc. At a show like this there are too many children around and it is not safe please respect that or the security crew will throw you out!
All the best to Gustav and please build it up again!
Here you see what the EBI rules say:
NO POCKETBIKES ALOWED! No Motorized small machines are allowed, No Gopeds, Mini Quads etc. At a show like this there are too many children around and it is not safe please respect that or the security crew will throw you out!
Sonntag, 10. Juni 2007
European Type 3 Meeting
This weekend we made the last testdrive for the EBI and visited the European Type 3 Meeting in Salzburg. The Ghia made the 700km without any problems, although the carbs has to be checked again, as there is no drivable power under 3000rpm (so I had to rev it a little bit more).
Here is my short report:
The first cars are waiting at the meeting point:
There were two 34 Karmann, one notch and three squarebacks ready to go:
Heading down the highway:
Ofcourse we made some breaks:
Oh, I mean some breakdowns! The square of Gregor, member of, didn't want to go after a short break, but suddenly decided to start again.
Some german Type3 drivers prefer to go hundreds or even thousands of kilometers towing a caravan with stock horsepower. Respect!
Lotus white with red inside. (Is this my first poem on this blog?)
Three blue fastbacks in the woods:
Everybody talked about my car. Will this be the same at Chimay?
Here is my short report:
The first cars are waiting at the meeting point:
There were two 34 Karmann, one notch and three squarebacks ready to go:
Heading down the highway:
Ofcourse we made some breaks:
Oh, I mean some breakdowns! The square of Gregor, member of, didn't want to go after a short break, but suddenly decided to start again.
Some german Type3 drivers prefer to go hundreds or even thousands of kilometers towing a caravan with stock horsepower. Respect!
Lotus white with red inside. (Is this my first poem on this blog?)
Three blue fastbacks in the woods:
Everybody talked about my car. Will this be the same at Chimay?
Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007
Montag, 4. Juni 2007
Sonntag, 3. Juni 2007
European Type 3 Meeting
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