I was off a few days to visit my brother in my old hometown Düsseldorf. If you will visit this nice city be sure to go to the Meilenwerk. There you will find some impressiv cars for sale or just on display.
Got my signed (thanks Keith!) copy of Keith Seumes new book today. If you are interested in the history of Cal-Look VWs this book is a must have for you!
Some pics of a nowadays unusual choise of wheels: I think this looks more common for most people: And even some Type 3 lookers are inside:
Selling my 66 Cal-Look bug. Narrowed, adjustable frontbeam, Wheels and tires almost new (about 200km). Price 3500.-EUR negotiable. Questions: typ3wien@a1.net
On saturday Fred and I visited our friend Franz-Josef of http://www.franzjosefenterprises.at/ near Graz, because we want to run in the new engine a bit. Our journey was a little rough until FJE did a very good set-up at the carbs and ignition of my Razor. Thanks again!
Every friday the austrian newspaper ‘Der Standard‘ has an insert called 'Rondo'. This friday there was a very nice article about our friend Ernst. For those of you who don't speak german the headline 'Ernst sein' has two meanings. It can mean 'to be Ernst' or it means 'not to be funny' and that in fact isn't the strength of Mr. Bernsteiner.