Friday morning after our arrival at Düsseldorf, we put in new sparkplugs and checked all cables. Now the engine worked well, so we started our trip to Chimay.
On friday there was no racing due to rainy weather, so we took a look at all the nice cars that were on the event.
Here you have just a few pics of some Type 34:
Nice black one
Nice racer
Oh, Georg of DFL has his new engine ready?
Not really!
Saturday and sunday was RACE ACTION TIME:
We had to leave on Sunday before the end of 'Show and Shine', because the other club members had to take the train back from Düsseldorf at sunday afternoon.
Our trip back was o.k. ...
until my engine broke down shortly before my arrival at Düsseldorf. Luckily it was only about 500 meters from the home of my brother. And much more luckily I made a membership at the ÖAMTC one day before our start. So they will bring back my car next tuesday or wednesday.
The crank or one bearing of it broke. I will report here after we disambled the engine.
Best Regards to:
Fredy, Franz-Joseph, Alex, Christian, Christian, Thomas and Martin.
1 Kommentar:
Hi Martin,
das ist ja ne schöne Sch...ande. Hoffe, daß es nur ein Lager ist! Viel Glück beim Wiederaufbau!
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